Like what you've read here? Hate what you've read here? Written something that you'd like me to consider for a future issue?
Are you a model or an artist? You want us to print your feedback in the magazine? Whatever you got to say, we gone listen,
good or bad. Please get in touch with us, we want to be the best magazine we can be, and we need your help with that, so get
at us.
Just click this address to send mail:
If you're thinking of contributing, be sure to take a look at the "Contributor's Guidelines" section on this page.
Contributor's Guidelines
Artist: Your music has to be good. Period. If you shit is wack, we ARE NOT GOING TO PUT YOU IN THE MAG!! Take the time to
get you sound together, we represent the underground, but underground don't meant you have to SOUND underground, you get it.
Artist are chosen by style, location, and their grind. Don't take it personal, but we got a rep to uphold!!
Models: You must sign a clearance form to be in the mag. If you don't own the pictures, YOU will be resposible for making
sure the photographer and any other party involved with making your pictures are compensated and credited accordingly. At
some point we will hold our own shoots when the mag picks up steam, for now you have to provide the pictures yourself. And
no we aint paying models yet: we are promoting you for free all over the southeast and online, so think of it as building
your resume and getting some free exposure.
Writers and Columnist: We will give you credit for anything you contribute to the magazine, we will never take credit
for your writings. You too will have to sign a clearance form giving us permission to use your work. Simple enough, no need
to complicate shit.
Same for you photographers
Hope we can work with any great aspiring talent out there trying to be seen or heard, but have to say all this stuff so
we wont get sued, or so we dont hurt nobody's feelings ya dig.

Subscription Information
If you send me your e-mail address, I'll let you know when there are new postings or when I publish a new edition. That way
you can always stay up to date!